Tuesday, May 06, 2008

They think its all over...It isn't quite yet

It seems to have been a very costly move to turn down Microfot's advances. Yahoo!'s share price tanked this morning following the news that Microsoft was officially withdrawing its offer.

Rumours now persist that shareholders are agitating for the removal of Yahoo! board members.

What does this mean in the long run? Will Yahoo! now find a way out of its predicament?

Not likely. Microsoft has decided to play hardball knowing that Yahoo! has very little room for manoeuvre. It is only a matter of time before Micorosoft gets it prey, even if for now it has said that it won't pursue its strategy of a hostile takeover.

Microhoo! will still happen, it might just take a little longer than people thought.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


It’s no surprise that the socially-minded French want to create a French BBC, but interesting that President Sarkozy would seek to replace the lost advertising revenue (£600m that will transfer to private stations – many of these run by Sarkozy’s mates) partly through a tax on internet access.

It will be interesting to see if this is adopted as there has been a similar argument in the UK for many years covering public service internet content and application provision.

It will no doubt be unpopular with the masses who will be asked to pay extra for something that they are already getting, but if it works it could be an interesting model to track for governments around the world.